Solusi “Nitro Pro 10 Setup Wizard ended Prematurely” di Windows 10

setelah bolak balik gagal instal dan berusaha browsing sana sini akhirnya bisa juga menginstal Nitro Pro 10 di Windows 10.

Sebelumnya kenapa si Nitro Pro 10? bukannya sekarang sudah ada yang Nitro Pro 13 yg paling baru? jawabnya adalah karena serial number nya yang masih terjangkau untuk dibeli, iyes bener banget ga mau donk beli bajakan. ga sampai 60K buat dapetin seial number si Nitro Pro 10 ini. Tapi sialnya pas mau instal di kantor muncul keterangan “Nitro Pro 10 Setup Wizard ended Prematurely” dan gagal instal, kurang lebih nya seperti ini penampakannya:

Baiklah… browsing2 muncul solusi di SINI, kurang lebihnya seperti ini:

Nitro Pro Setup Wizard ended Prematurely because of a error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, run setup Wizard again. Click Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard.

To Solve This:

1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator
2. Type sfc /scannow
3. Restart The Computer

If the problem still not resolved.

1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator
2. DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
3. Press Enter Key
4. DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
5. Press Enter Key
6. Restart The Computer

Sudah tak ikuti, cuman 3 langkah awal si, tapi ga ada hasil yo wes cari -cari lagi, trus sampai ke NITRO COMMUNITY FORUMS , nyampai sini dibantuin sama Mba2 nya supaya soal perinstalan NITRO PRO dibawah versi 12 harus ke laman yang INI. Singkatnya tu gini loh untuk Nitro Pro dibawah versi 12, goal yang diharapkan adalah:

At this point, since your user account already took ownership of the folder, clicking Continue will now give you access to WindowsApps folder.  Nitro Pro 12 (builds and higher) bypass the restrictions from this folder in order to install Nitro Pro.  Unfortunately, the consequence is that the Nitro Pro Add-ins for MS Office will not be installed.

Jadi untuk Nitro Pro dibawah Versi 12 akses ke folder WindowsApps harus di baypass secara manual untuk bisa instal aplikasi Nitro Pro nya. Ok langkah-langkah nya cukup mudah, jalankan cmd prompt dengan akses administrator lalu copy paste perintah2nya.

1)  Right-click on the Start button and choose *Command Prompt (Admin).  Please ensure you run the CMD Prompt “As Administrator” *

2)  At command prompt window type the following command & hit *Enter.*

takeown /F “%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps”

* Note: The above command will assign the ownership of the folder:  “C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps” to the current logged on user.

3)  Next give this command:

takeown /F “%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps” /r /d y

* Note: The above command will assign the ownership of the “C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps” *sub folders and files* to the current logged on user.

4)  Next give this command:

icacls “%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps” /grant Administrators:F

*Note: The above command will assign Full Control permissions to the folder:  “C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps” for all Administrators users.

5)  Next give this command:

icacls “%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps” /grant Administrator:F /t

*Note: The above command will assign Full Control permissions to the folder “C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps” *and its sub folders and files* to all Administrators users.

6)  Finally assign the ownership of “WindowsApps” folder, back to the TrustedInstaller account, which is the Default owner of the folder.

icacls “%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps” /setowner “NT Service\TrustedInstaller”

7)  From now on you should have full access rights to the “WindowsApps” folder!

8)  Enable the ‘Hidden items’ in Windows Explorer as the WindowsApps is hidden.

Kalau aku cuman sampai perintah langkah ke 5 terus aku instal ulang Nitro Pro 10 yg 64 bit nya sudah bisa, dan lancar sampai aku masukkan kode Serial Number nya. Begitu kira-kira yang mengalami “Nitro Pro 10 Setup Wizard ended Prematurely” di Windows 10 kiranya udah tahu ya solusinya.

Salam Sukses selalu

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